There's nothing too exciting happening my life, but I've gotten quite a few comments about not updating my blog lately, so here goes...
I've been house sitting the last few weeks for Andrew while he's away tromping around Australia. More importantly, I've been slowly digging out from under the pile of work that I've let build up over the last few months and I'm just about to get to the point where I can start working on new projects. It has meant some pretty long days staring at a computer, but I've been able to do quite a bit of work sitting next to Andrew's pool, which is definitely nicer than my office.
In the next few weeks, I hope to get my schedule worked out for the next few months, but no promises. Right now, it looks like I'll be in Botswana in late February and, with any luck, in Poland somewhere around the beginning of February. We are also working on plans for the trip to Brazil in August. Needless to say, my passport is filling up quickly.